Swee.LOL lets you post and share inspirational creativity, photography or images. Inspire, Social, Network.
*Forever Plan: Put a Smile on Someone's Face
Did you know that a recent UC Berkeley study found that engaging in regular active interaction with motivational content might help you manage negative situations like stress and social isolation and even keep your motivation high?
A 2012 study in the Archives of Internal Medicine revealed that after a year, positive thinking improved heart health and high blood pressure.
Terms Used
An audience composed of multiple people created with the purpose of sharing content exclusively with it. For example, Friends, Family, Work, BFFs.
A connection between two users, initiated by any of the two. It's linked to a specific circle.
Connections Circle
The audience composed of all of the people you're connected with.
Linked Users
Users that are either connected to us or are following us.
Community Administrators
Members of a community that have the power to modify the community details + moderator powers.
Community Moderators
Members of a community that have the power to ban, unban, review community post/comments reports and act on them.
Community Member
A member of a community with the power to post to it and receive its content in its timeline.
World Circle
The audience composed of the entire internet! Everyone can post to it.
How do I delete my Swee.LOL account?
Login to delete your account. Please note: deleted usernames will be released again.